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The drug editor

The name of the drug editor itself is drug_file_editor. It allows to create new drug names (normally an existing drug, but it is not necessary) with the transmembranar currents this new drug inactivates. Drugs and currents are saved in a file whoese user can modify. A short default list is in a Default.drugs file, not modifiable by users. The user interface is shown on Fig. 7.1. Two lists appears on the panel. One for the drugs, the other for the existing currents.

Figure: The drug editor user interface

Menu bar

A menu bar allows to chose, modify or create a drug file, and to get help by browsing the manual.


[New] Creates a new file. It displays a file selection box to chose a new name.

[Open to modify] Allows to read and modify an existing drug file. It displays a file selection box to chose an existing file name.

[Open to visualize] Allows to read an existing drug file. It displays a file selection box to chose an existing file name. The file cannot be modified. It is secure option!

[Save as...] Allows to save the data with a new name. The old file is not modified.

[Save] Allows to save the data with the same name. Previous data are lost.

[Exit] Quits the drug editor.

Browse manual
Self explaining.

To add a drug, a file to modify or a new file muas have been selected. Enter the new drug name in the text field at left of the panel. Then, press the [Add] pushbutton. The drug name appears in the list. Select it with the mouse (one click selects, one other click remove the drug). Then select the currents the selected drug inactivates in the right list (one click selects, one other click deselects). Several currents can be selected.

When a drug of the list is not selected, clicking on it select it and shows the currents it inactiveates by selecting it. It the file was open as to allow modification, it is possible to modify the currents the drug inactivates. Double clicking on a drug name removes the drug from the list.

Double clicking on a current name deselects the current in the list for the selected drug.

If modifications were not saved, a confirmation is asked on exit.


Input: Default.drug, *.drug

Output: *.drug

Known problems

There is no known problems, but this tool is not very secure, since it is possible to remove inadvertandly a drug y a double click. This should be modified in the next release.

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Jean-Francois Vibert