The name of the simple network editor is link_edit. The simple network editor allows to create networks were nucleus and clusters are equivalent. No distinction is possible between between them.
This tool is accessible from the XNBC control panel via the ``Simple network editor'' pushbutton. It is used to graphically edit simple networks and to create the files necessary to run the simulation: the ``.len'', ``.wgt'', ``.clu'' ``.anat'' and ``.lnk'' files:
When called, the simple network editor presents a blank window with menus in which clusters, neurons and links will be drawn (Fig: 5.1).
Save : save all files (.len, .wgt, .anat, .lnk) of the current network.
Save As : idem, but you can give another file name.
Open : open an existing .lnk file to modify the network.
New : create a new network (noname.lnk by default).
Exit : exit link_edit.
New : create a new cluster for the current network.
Copy : duplicate an existing cluster (same parameters).
Delete : delete an existing cluster.
Modify : modify an existing cluster.
Swap : swap two existing clusters (in automatic placement only).
Move : move an existing cluster (in manual placement only).
New : create a new link between two existing clusters or to an existing cluster on itself.
Delete : delete an existing link.
Modify : modify an existing link.
Automatic : automatic placement of clusters in the window.
Manual : manual placement of clusters in the window.
Remarks: 1. These two menus are exclusive. A star after the menu indicates which one is selected.
2. Placement in the window doesn t reflect anatomic coordinates of the cluster. It s just to allow a good organization of clusters in the window.
3. In the automatic mode, clusters are placed on a circle in the order of their creation. In the manual mode, clusters can be manually positionned using the mouse, in a way that reflects the network structure.
On Context : Choose a topic Browse manual: self explaining.
A cluster (or nucleus) is represented by a square with two buttons and informations.
Horsley-Clarke coordinates of the center of the cluster.
IntraClust indicates if the cluster is self-connected. In the case of a self-connection, the sign of the connection ( - means Inhibitory connection, + means Exitatory connection) is indicated, else there is a zero.
the button with the number of the cluster is used to select the cluster for different actions (modify it, swap with an other cluster, create link, ect... see below).
the button with the name of the cluster is used to see or modify cluster parameters. This button activates the Cluster Parameters dialog box (see below).
Remark: In manual placement mode, to move a cluster, click in the cluster, maintain the button, drag the cluster to the wanted location then release the button. The network is redrawn.
A link is represented by a line from the first cluster to the second. A link is like a nerve. It contains all neuron axons of the first cluster. A symbol indicates which cluster of the twice is the reciever. This symbol indicates too the kind of coonexion:
This box appears with different actions:
Click on Ok to create or modify the cluster or on Cancel to cancel creation or modification.
This box appears with different actions:
In each case, after have select the menu, click on the button with the number of the first cluster then click on the button with the number of the second cluster. First and second cluster can be the same in the case of a self-connection.
This box (Fig. 5.3)allows to enter parameters of a link (a new one or an existing one):
Click on Ok to create or modify the Link or on Cancel to cancel creation or modification.
Open an existing .lnk file or create a new one.
Create a new cluster or modify an existing one.
Remark: To select a cluster click on the button with its number.
Set cluster placement: to swap two cluster in automatic mode, select Cluster/Swap menu then select two clusters. In manual placement mode drag cluster to the wanted location.
Create a new link or modify an existing one.
Save files
Delete : deletes the link between the two next clusters you select.
Modify : modifies the link between the two next clusters you select.
A cluster (or nucleus) is represented by a square with two buttons and informations, such as the Horsley Clarke coordinates of the center of the cluster, a flag that indicates if the cluster is self- connected, if it is, then the nature of this self-connection, « + » meaning excitation, « - » inhibition, « r » randomized, « 0 » no self-connection.
The button with the number of the cluster is used to select the cluster for different actions such as modifying it, swapping it with an other cluster,and so on.
The button with the name of the cluster activates the cluster parameters dialog box, offering the user the ability to modify the clicked cluster.
To distinguish a neuron from a cluster, the program draw a circular gray cluster when it is only one neuron, and green square when it has more than one neuron.
A link is represented by a line from the first cluster to the second. It is like a nerve. It contains all axons of first cluster neurons. A symbol indicates which cluster of the both connected is the receiver. This symbol indicates the kind of the connection too:
The placement of the clusters in the work window does not reflect the anatomic coordinates of the clusters. It is just to allow the user to get a smart organization of the clusters in the work window.
In the automatic mode, the cluster are placed on a circle in the order of their creation. In the manual mode, clusters can be manually positioned using the mouse.
Input: *.lnk
Output: *.len, *.wgt, *.clu, *.anat, *.lnk
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